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Nuzum's Digest

Nuzum's Digest


Nuzum’s Digest helps:

  • Improve digestion and nutrient absorption
  • Increase energy
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Support pancreas health
  • Reduce gas production
  • Aid leaky gut
  • Additional Information

    Nuzum’s Digest is a 100% plant-based probiotic, enzyme blend. Nuzum’s Digest has a specific Lactobacillus acidophilus that assists the intestines' capacity to create digestive enzymes. It also includes 10 types of active digestive enzymes that enhance the digestion of proteins and carbohydrates.

    Probiotics assist with food digestion, enhance immunity, and help balance the gut flora. Additionally, probiotics maintain the health of the intestinal lining and make it harder for potentially harmful bacteria to grow. Multiple protease enzymes improve the digestion of food that is hard to break down, like protein and fiber. They also support the body's ability to regulate inflammation and offer excellent support to the pancreas by reducing its digestive workload.

    Your digestive system is home to one of the key microbiomes in your body, and it supports your health holistically. The unique combination of powerful ingredients in Nuzum’s Digest improves the gut microbiome and digestion. Nuzum’s Digest increases health, immunity, and overall vitality for anyone suffering from bloating, excess flatulence, constipation, acid reflux.

    Live food, raw vegetables, have their own naturally occurring enzymes that assist the body to break down and absorb nutrients. Cooking food destroys beneficial enzymes, and processed foods are void of enzymes altogether. Eating cooked or processed foods force the body to withdraw from the body’s own enzyme stores, leaving it depleted and eventually causing poor health. The body is overwhelmed because it is overworked. Support through supplementation may be the only way to get the number of probiotics and enzymes required to stay in good health.

    Nuzum’s Digest helps:

    • Improve digestion and nutrient absorption
    • Increase energy
    • Reduce inflammation
    • Support pancreas health
    • Reduce gas production
    • Aid leaky gut


    Key Ingredients: 

    Strong acid protease, amylase I, amylase II, glucoamylase


    Take 1-2 capsules before or with meals or as directed by your physician. If pregnant or nursing consult your healthcare professional before use.

    TIP – To boost the effectiveness of these probiotics, take 8-10 sprays of Equalizer Concentrate with Nuzum’s Digest.


    How do I know if I should take one or two capsules?

    • Depending on the severity of digestive upset, you can increase or decrease the number of capsules.

    How long should I continue to take Nuzum’s Digest?

    • Typically, Dr. Nuzum has his patients take Nuzum’s Digest until their digestion improves. You may then proceed to take Nuzum’s Digest just with heavy meals.

    Can I give this to my child and how much?

    • Dr. Nuzum uses Nuzum’s Digest with his children. One capsule with large meals or when eating something questionable.

    How long does it take to start working?

    • Typically Nuzum’s Digest works very quickly even with the first serving.

    What happens to food that the body cannot digest?

    • In a healthy digestive system, the body will absorb nutrients that it needs and eliminates "food material" that it does not need through healthy, regular bowel movements. However, when the digestive system is not working correctly, excess food is not adequately eliminated and becomes toxic within the body.

    Can Nuzum’s Digest help my Leaky Gut Syndrome?

    • An ailment such as Leaky Gut Syndrome is a perfect example of how the body can begin to attack food when it is not absorbed or eliminated as intended. Any time the digestive system is stressed, it can create feelings of discomfort, uneasiness, extended feelings of fullness, or throw off your daily bowel movements.

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